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Photographing an African Themed Wedding in a Documentary Style

I like Unusual! Josh and Becky got married on a bitterly cold December day in a couple of Tipi's with an African Theme for their wedding day.

Suffolk Wedding photographer

I'd met Josh months before and for a change he and Becky lived quite local to me and planned thier wedding themselves and wanted it to be very unusual!

Firstly it was to be in December - a less popular time to get married than July! Then it was to be in their local church but with the wedding reception to be at a local holiday park where they'd have a couple of Tipi's and a barbeque with the highlight being African Dancers!

So the truth is I hate winter - I'm a sunny day at the beach guy not a plod through frozen fields guy. BUT - the chance to photograph such a unique wedding couldn't be missed so I covered the entire day from the brides prep. through to their first dance - little did I know that the day would be in the middle of a really cold snap where the top temperature would be -1c and -6c when I left at 8.30pm in a pair of "slightly" heated Tipi's. Seriously I've never been so cold for so long in my life - but I got the wedding photos I wanted and that they loved!

Hey Allen, OMG thank you for the photos - totally blown away and couldn't ever imagined such beautiful shots of our day. Amazing - can't stop looking at them! Thank you SO much on what was a very difficult day. Can't wait to see the album Best regards Josh and Becky

Photographing a wedding in a documentary style isn't a matter of hiding in a corner with a telephoto lens - it requires mixing with people, getting close to the wedding guests, always being on the alert for moments that will make great photos - emotions that create the story of your wedding.

I've photographed wedding for many years in a documentary style and it's my passion to create superb wedding photos that are emotional, natural, creative and REAL.

Get in touch for more details here


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