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Suffolk Documentary Wedding Photographer

Suffolk documentary wedding photographer
Hi Allen - thank you for being our wedding photographer - loved having you around and the photos are brilliant - exactly what we hoped for. Reggi

First time I meet Garry and Reggi was at their engagement shoot - several months ahead of their wedding at Prested Hall in Suffolk

An engagement photo...

Suffolk wedding engagement shoot

And so came the day of their summer wedding - it'd been beautiful weather for weeks - then on their wedding day it rained, and rained - didn't stop until late afternoon. The day started with the brides prep.....

Suffolk wedding brides prep

Before then heading off the the Church... and yes it was raing hard.

Here's a look at a few of my personal favourites from this Suffolk Wedding below.

As you may know, if you've looked around my website, my style is one of a Documentary Wedding Photographer.

If you don't know what that means, don't worry - you're not alone.

As a documentary wedding photographer, I try and blend in with the guests - I try and be a Privileged Guest in that I'm usually very close to either the Bride or the groom the whole day and let the couple be with their friends and family for the whole wedding.

Couples have usually planned their day for years, and spent a lot of money on it, and then they then spend a large percentage of that day with just one person - the wedding photographer - me!

It's therefore a real privilege to photograph someone's wedding.

I aim to capture all the emotion, fun, moments and intimate details - as they happen. No "smile" moments and no organising any parts of the day to make my life easy - my aim is to simply be in the right place at the right time to get memories and moments.

The Suffolk Wedding of Garry and Reggi was, in spite of the rain all day a joyful fun wedding in the heart of Suffolk

Wedding in Suffolk in the rain

Then the wedding ceremony at the Suffolk Church...

Suffolk Church wedding

And they're married !

Suffolk Wedding in Church

And we arrive at Prested Hall for the Wedding Reception

Wedding Reception in SUffolk

Let the fun begin....

Candid Wedding photo

Wedding couple at reception in Suffolk

Suffolk wedding fun

Suffolk Wedding dance challenge

Suffolk Wedding at Prested Hall 1st Dance


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